The daily routine at the camp was varied and offered the children not only content-related tasks, but also sporting, creative and musical activities. At the same time, they were involved in responsibilities by doing chores such as cleaning and setting the table together, which made them realize how important it is to live harmoniously in a diverse community, comparable to a "village" at camp.
The children were placed with local host families at the beginning and middle of the camp to get to know the local community better. Joint excursions enabled them to explore Germany and Hamburg better and take home a variety of impressions. A planned trip to the North Sea, supported by the Professor Nowak Foundation, unfortunately had to be canceled due to adverse weather conditions.
The dedicated staff and the Hamburg CISV chapter taught the eleven-year-old children important skills at the camp. The main goal was to make new friends, learn conflict resolution in a peaceful way and break down prejudices against other nations. These goals were successfully achieved and the activities allowed the children to have fun and learn new things at the same time, regardless of their language skills.
The wide range of activities during the camp, including excursions into the city, a visit to the Hamburg fire department and creative events such as gala nights and talent shows, made for unforgettable experiences. On the last two days, farewell tears were shed and heartfelt hugs were exchanged as the children expressed that they did not want to go home. The staff, chaperones and JCs were certain that the camp was a complete success and the children expressed a desire to participate in CISV programs again.This experience not only fostered intercultural understanding, but also created lifelong friendships.