Youth4Planet encourages children and young people to research the threats and consequences of
man-made climate change in the form of stories which they research and develop themselves, to film
these stories with their smartphones and to publish them on this independent platform as "Stories of
Change". Youth4Planet also offers the opportunity to communicate with other children and young
people about environmental topics via this platform. The aim is to effectively publicize the
documented challenges and the resulting ideas to those responsible in society and politics so that
they can use them for the development of a sustainable lifestyle. Today's children and young people
belong to the generation whose future will be most affected by the dangers of climate change. We
suggest that they themselves become narrators of their immediate environment and package their
topics and ideas as stories. For the practical implementation, the story-tellers’ creativity and
dynamism is needed in order to take as many people as possible with them on their way into the
future and to change society in a sustainable way.
Donation certificate will be sent unsolicited. Account at the Förde-Sparkasse:
IBAN: DE 86 21050170 1003 0301 19
Benefit to the public
Tax exemption certificate from the department of finance and taxation Kiel from 24. August 2017 Taxnumber: 20 293 7200 8